Check out the workshops/ experiences from last year, and stay tuned for the 2025 line up to be announced in April!
Wealthy Women, Pick up your Gems
Amron Bevels
Women & Wealth: It's time to remember - We are the natural guardians of the masses. We are the natural disseminators of resources. When women lead, all mouths get fed.
This workshop is an upgrade to wealth consciousness. And an invitation to claim a greater capacity for conducting wealth.
Ancestral Healing through Family Constellations
Jillian Brown
Family Constellations is a way of clearing systemic energy patterns from the past that effect us in the present. Past events even from decades or even centuries ago leave lasting energetic imprints and these get passed along through the generations. In doing this work we bring light to those patterns and through awareness we can allow them to move and shift which frees up the energy for new creation, aliveness and wellness.​
Ritual Plant Portal Tattoos
Dana Vargas
These sessions will be more than just about adorning your skin with beautiful artwork; they are an invitation to embark on a curated experience that merges somatics, meditation, herbalism, and tattooing. I invite you to join me on this remarkable adventure, where body, mind, and spirit converge in celebration of the natural world. I will be introducing you to my plant allies through imagery. We can work with any plants in my repertoire that resonate or dive into your intention, seeing who has a message for you. Plant Portal Tattoos promise to be a transformative experience that not only honors the beauty of tattoo art but also offers a gateway to the profound interconnectedness of all living beings. This offering is close to my heart and I look forward to sharing it with you.
Parenting in the Absence of Perfection: Life of a Human Through Anthroposophy
Stephanie Seliga--Soulseed
From birth to age seven, every child will have an experience that the modern times would call trauma. This experience will become a defining element of a child's life no matter what it is. How do we meet the developing child in a way that the event is more of a gift than a hinderance? We will discuss right orientation to the cycles of human life from preconception and beyond... trauma as a modern, western, physotherputical concept... and owning our resilience as a path to empowered living/parenting. -Karma and Reincarnation -seven year cycles. - perfection/messyness in humaning - We are going to talk about your experience as a child.
Those who take this workshop will determine the depth to which we dive. It is a time to orient to the present, past and future in a way to harvest the gifts, lessons and resilience of the challenges we face in life. .
Frequency Alchemy via Sound & Energy Bath
CC Barber
Mind, Body, Spirit- Total intrinsic & extrinsic frequency alchemy provided by a Sacred Sound + Energy Infused Experience
AquaLuXonic water blessing and dance ceremony
Nina Von Feldmann, Em Quiver, Xanna Seto
We gather in ceremony with open hearts and clear intentions. Relaxing into waves of sonic frequencies to nourish and vitalize the liquid crystal of our bodies. Sending out powerful ripples for healing all bodies of water our own and beyond.
AquaLuXonic is a collaboration of musicians, sound healers, water activists and ceremonialists. Featuring Xanna Seto, Em Quiver, and Nina von Feldmann and special guest DJ Sitka
Qigong for Heart Activation
Harty Kelley
A morning, seated qigong practice and meditation for connecting to our heart consciousness and blessing the universe.
Inner Child Playshop
Madi McCall
Maria Montessori once said “play is the work of the child”. In our formative years, we greet life with curiosity and exploration.
We construct our environment, only to deconstruct, reconstruct and reinvent the world around us with beaming imaginations and willing hearts.
Human beings innately desire exactness, order, orientation, repetition, self-perfection… yet the child approaches these desires through play.
Somewhere along the way, we lose this sense of play. Let’s tap into it once more, and remember how to prioritize and utilize play as a way of being.
Medicine Women, It It Time to Be Seen!
Amron Bevels
A conscious inquiry into what it takes to LEAD as women entrepreneurs running spiritual businesses, handling delicate issues, navigating legalities, making real money, AND standing strongly in who we are, being In integrity, seeing beyond "competition" thinking, and BEING SEEN.
Communities of the Future: Love and Freedom
La Laurrien
Let’s share a conversation about the essentials of healthy community. We are faced with navigating divisiveness, competing programming from all directions, and the slippery slope of Truth.
I will share some of my lifetime of community experience and we will engage in mining some of the Great Mystery together.
Autumn Equinox Spell Jar
Selena Alcantara
We will be discussing uses of spell jars, how to craft your own, and making a spell jar for the Autumn Equinox that will help participants bring in the new season.
We will be smoke cleansing the jar with incense sticks, filling it with intention (components of the jar), and wax sealing it
Red Square: Dance of meditation
Natalya Imboden
Mingling meditation and dance we explore the qualities of Space, Body, Form, Witness, and Play in a practice that expands your view and opens your body. Natalya will share this heart practice created at Naropa University for the Dance Movement Therapy Program which opens you up to the heart teaching of Prajnaparamita, the mother of all Buddhas. This practice offers an embodied, gentle, and clear path to witnessing our own inner state changes and emotions in a way that clarifies our consciousness and offers a playful connection with ourselves and others.
Livestock & Homesteading and Felting: A biodynamic approach of integrating livestock on the farm
Bryn Darmody
We will explore the difference between thinking of animals as a bi-product or commodity and thinking of them as a part of the farm. To reimagine your land as one living organism, instead of several separate parts that serve their own individual purposes and functions.
We will cover t strip grazing practices, compost making and regenerative soil practices, all of which livestock can offer. As well as, which livestock are appropriate for different homesteads and offer insight and reasoning for selecting the right livestock. We will also cover butchering and harvesting animals. How to be and feel in right relationship with these beings and also harvest them for meat.
Sacral Flow Workshop: Connecting to Goddess Oshun & Womb Wisdom
Nylah Brooks
In this container we will be weaving together in the sacred feminine Honoring our wombs energetically, by moving stagnant energy through breathwork and body movement Holding our wombs through mediation Learning to become active participants in our daily womb health through plant medicines. By creating Yoni Steams & Tea Blends Connecting to the Goddess, Oshun, by creating an alter & mandala as an offering for deeper connection to our sacral areas and devotion to the divine
Nutritional Support for Women on Birth Control
Marya Gendron
Birth control affects a woman's nutritional balance, which in turn affects her mental and emotional balance. Nutritional implications are rarely even considered or discussed when women get on birth control, much less the sociological implications of so many women acquiring nutrient deficiencies because of the birth control they are on.
The purpose of this course is to examine the impacts that birth control has on a woman's nutritional status and the nutrient dynamics that need to be kept in mind in order to make a more informed decision about which birth control to use, as well as how to maintain nutritional balance while on birth control. With more in-depth knowledge of the impacts birth control has on our bodies, we as fertile women can be empowered to make choices that truly support our whole being.
Holistic Skincare for Midlife Mastery
Nina von Feldmann
As an esthetician and health and wellness coach and researcher for the past going on 30 years, I bring my passion for human transformation and vitality to this experiential workshop. Offering simple skincare advice, and hands on care, along with personalized deep dive Q and A. Through the lens of our changing times, and the environment within and without.
Nina von Feldmann owner of Urthaline Botanical Skincare and Tender Wellness esthetics.
Reclaiming our images: techniques for a better relationship with cameras
Alisa Geiser
In this hand-on workshop, we’ll discuss our relationship with being photographed, and learn techniques for capturing eachother and ourselves in our most authentic, beautiful form. In our daily lives, we are fed a steady stream of instruction around how we are supposed to look in photos and video. This can have very real ramifications on how we think about physical bodies, and the way that we carry ourselves in a world that is obsessed with documenting. The internet is full of hacks - from filters to poses - for looking the way we think people want us to. We're going to throw that all out the window. In my decades behind and in front of the camera, I’ve found that the best photos happen when we truly see a person, with loving kindness and curiosity - and likewise, the best way to look amazing in your photos is to show up as your most honest, relaxed, authentic self. I’ll share an intentional, ritualized approach to documenting that will change the way that you and your subjects/self/friends relate to your cameras. We’ll then pair up to photograph each other, and I will check in with each group to offer 1-1 advice.All skill levels welcome, please bring your own camera (a cell phone is fine!)
Fursat through Kalamkari
nikita shah
Through the workshop participants will have a chance to learn about Kalamkari; an age old handpainted textile craft from South India using natural dyes and a bamboo pen. The workshop will entail the history, its journey from a folk art to crtical discussion to hands on creating a piece of kalamkari. Subjectively the workshop will meander into topics of womanhood/mental health and vulnerability to encourage participants to express those and as a community come together. It will lead into fursat (urdu. leisure, freedom, rest)
Wisdom of Venus
Crystal Claire
Many of us have heard about syncing with the Moon, but have you ever considered connecting with Venus? Receive an introduction to the cosmological & mythological wisdoms of Venus & her various archetypal forms– a transmission designed to activate & empower the divine feminine that exists within us all.
Shakti and the power of Desire: Reclaiming Your Divine Creative Spirit
Xanna Seto
This is an interactive experience weaving together mythic story, guided meditation and bija mantra vocalization, supported by the entrancing drone of live tamboura. We will explore the "demonization" of Desire by the existing hegemony and lean in to the positive, creative impulses that Desire incites. Then we will drop into a storytelling/guided meditation with vocalizations of bija (seed) mantras and matrikas (the Sanskrit vowel sounds that are said to have been the germinal vibrations of creation) to embed the felt knowing of the archetypal truths transmitted. Finally, we will receive, in our deepened state of conscious awareness, the blessing of the raaga Bhairavi (the raaga of the Goddess) and an invocation to Maa Sharadaa, who is the mysterious, dark aspect of Saraswati.
Healing the Mother Wound Drum Ceremony
Christine Marie
Within each and everyone of us, lies inherited patterns, belief systems and energies that have been subconsciously passed down to us from our maternal line. Unhealed mother wounding can often look like carrying out behaviors of self-sabotage, sacrificing needs of self, jealousy and comparison, depression, distrusting the sacred feminine, and so much more. Because of our mother wounding, building and maintaining sisterhood connections can often be challenging. In this ceremony, we will gather to explore both individually and collectively how and where we have inherited wounds from our maternal lines that have prevented us from open-heartedly trusting and relating with the sacred feminine, both within ourselves and each other.
Weaving Authentic Connection through Storytelling
Ashley Bonn
What stories do you tell yourself? What stories do you tell others? In this workshop, you are invited to deepen self awareness and strengthen relationships through storytelling. This includes three activities: Memory Mapping, Soul Spiraling, and Growth Cycling. Each activity gives you an opportunity to weave a stronger web of authentic connection to yourself and others.
The Power of Pleasure
Cass Estes
Learn how pleasure as an embodiment practice supports emotional, physical, and spiritual vitality. A deep dive into pleasure expansion through extending and amplifying your felt sense as well as orgasmic states. How to shift patterns from chasing orgasm to relaxing into presence. Pleasure is medicine we can give ourselves, in addition to channeling sexual energy into our goals and desires outside of the bedroom. There is a divine well within you, cultivate and draw upon this beautiful resource. Fall in love with your amazing body and wild, sensual self. There will be an optional guided self-pleasure practice at the end of the class.
Preconception Ritual: Ancestral Nourishment for Body, Mind and Spirit as you Prepare for Pregnancy
Chelsey Breta Orth
Preconception rituals can often be overlooked in the excitement of bringing a child forward into the world, yet what Breta has discovered is that conscious preparation can be highly supportive for the mother, partner and family!
Breta will share how to support the body through menstrual + ovulation cycle education, ancestral foods and why these are highly valuable in preparing for pregnancy, how to prepare the mind for baby and even begin communicating with your spirit baby.
Join us if you're considering becoming pregnant in the next 1-2 years, even 3-6 months. Or if you're already a mama and would like to share your journey of what was most supportive for you! We welcome it all to have these impactful conversations of belonging!
The Art of Boundaries
Maitreya Wolf
To live a life of fully activated authenticity that is sustainable and regenerative to our own systems and the webs that we are a part of, we need to know how to contain our energy and navigate the dynamic field of interpersonal (and inner-personal!) relationships with grace, clarity, skill, and confidence. In this workshop crafted of wisdom transmission, reflective process, and experiential exercise, you will learn how to make and maintain clear, supple boundaries that will support you in living your truth, refining your relationships, securing your energy, and embodying your power in ways that will embolden your life for the better NOW.
Healing the Sister Wound
Desiree Batiste & Antha
A community conversation on Healing the Sister Wound: What happens when we turn competition in to collaboration? We will explore how collaborating can create more abundance. We will explore where competition is blocking you from receiving. We will do some shadow work to see where this might be showing up unconsciously in your life. Finally we will discuss tools to release codependency.
Luminoso - Movement Cleanse , and Morning Yoga
Erin Solveg
Luminoso translates to light & luminous in spanish, and lightness is exact what this movement practice is geared to evoke. We use an infusion of guided somatic mindfulness practices, parts work, yoga, ecstatic dance, and breath set to a wave of rhythms and music. Through these waves we evoke, mobilize, and cleanse the energy of the elements - earth, water, fire & air - and the somatic or emotional experiences that we may encounter with each one. This practice is designed to connect us with our inner knowing and power, which allows us to tap into deeper states or "sticky" places - moving that which may be held and no longer needed. This practice is lightly guided, with periods of free movement and dance that is expressed through your unique individual journey (i.e - not partnered). Move, Dance, Cleanse, Connect.
Grief Drum Ritual
Fernanda Medici & Dani Stormes
There is an immense amount of alive and compounded grief at this time on our planet. We believe the only way forward to a new weaving, is through metabolizing the sorrows that dwell within us. Grieving in community and being witnessed, is one of the only ways to heal not only our grief, but the grief of our ancestors. We will create a ritual, and invite everyone to honor the sacred portal of transformation that is grief.
This ceremony is informed by many traditions and teachers, including Joanna Macy, Sobonfu and Malidoma Somé, Francis Weller, Martin Prechtel, Stephen Jenkinson, Laurence Cole, Ahlay Blakely, the well of compounded grief of our times and many more.
Rawhide Rattle Making
Cass Estes
Rattles are ancient instruments revered for their gentle and soothing sounds. These sacred tools can be used to shift consciousness and enter a trance like state. Rattles are used in spiritual healing and purification of the mind, body and soul. The cleansing sound can unblock stagnant energy and restore vitality. They carry elemental energy, use your rattle to invoke spirits and connect with ancestors. Rattles are traditional instruments in ritual & ceremony, meditation & journeying, song & dance, storytelling & celebration. Please join me on the beautiful journey of creating your own sacred instrument. All materials will be provided to form, fill and adorn your unique rattle.
Sacred Rage Ritual
Jenny Lee
This is a space to lean in, with awareness and willingness, to those crunchy and often neglected expressions of our sacred feminine rage, anger, and power. We will gather and open a safe space for us to individually and collectively release any and all un-expressed anger and rage, and give it as a Holy offering to this beautiful Earth who can hold all that we are not meant to.
The Power of Surrender : Breathwave Ceremony
Jenny Lee and Syrah Rae
Join us for a powerfully gentle ceremony of conscious connected Breathwork. This is a space to get out of the mind and into the body where you can make experiential contact with your Higher Self, with The Source of Life, and release all the energetic and emotional frequencies that are limiting your full aliveness and medicinal presence. This is a cathartic and consciousness shifting experience, held with the full integrity of a medicine ceremony.
The Song: finding the unique song of our soul through community & sound
Savannah Clancy
This is a unique form of song circle. Savannah will share some about sound, songwriting, and the deeper song that courses through everything. We will then move into a group attunement, starting with a hum and finding a cocreative flow of sound. There will be an opportunity for each person to find their unique sound within that of the group, offering a space to witness and weave through play and authentic expression. Closing with more singing and a time for reflection and integration.
Honeybees + The Divine Feminine: Exploring the ancient connection between women and bees
Onyx Baird
In the ancient world, honeybees were tended by women shamans across many different cultures. In this multi -sensory workshop we will explore the magic of bees, shamanic techniques to connect with the spirit of the hive, and the importance of conservation style beekeeping. Onyx will also be showing a short sampler from her documentary film ‘Amrita,’ which follows the stories of three groups of women (from Hawaii, Portugal, + Mexico) who are merging science + spirituality in their work to conserve wild honeybees.
Onyx Baird is a scientist, a conservation style beekeeper, and a filmmaker. She has been working with and educating the public about feral/wild bees in the Portland area for 7 years, and has studied with some of the world’s experts in honeybee conservation and European bee shamanism. Her travels have taken her to work with women beekeepers from Hawaii, Portugal, Slovenia, Germany, UK, California, + across the PNW.
Illuminate Embodiment Workshop + Group Ritual Goddess Photo Session
Melissa Robin
Join Melissa Robin for a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment. In the Illuminate Embodiment Workshop, you'll uncover the root of your fear of being seen, embrace your authenticity, cultivate self-compassion, and tap into your inner wisdom. Step into the spotlight and share your authentic self in a safe and supportive environment.
During the Group Ritual Goddess Photo Session, experience the power of capturing your journey through stunning photographs with your sisters. Melissa Robin's unique approach combines somatic practices, breathwork, and meditation to help you embody your intention in every frame. Supported by a community of like-minded women, you'll create a powerful bond of sisterhood.